Source code for codingame.notification.enums

from enum import Enum

__all__ = (

[docs]class NotificationTypeGroup(str, Enum): """Enumeration for the :attr:`Notification.type_group`. .. warning:: There might be some missing type groups. """ achievement = "achievement" arena = "arena" blog = "blog" clash = "clash" comment = "comment" contest = "contest" contribution = "contribution" feature = "feature" hints = "hints" moderation = "moderation" puzzle = "puzzle" quest = "quest" social = "social" xp = "xp" generic = "generic" custom = "custom" other = "other"
[docs]class NotificationType(str, Enum): """Enumeration for the :attr:`Notification.type`.""" # achievement achievement_unlocked = "achievement-unlocked" """When a new achievement is unlocked.""" # arena new_league = "new-league" """When a new league is added to an arena. If the new league is higher than your current one, you will get demoted, otherwise your league will stay the same.""" eligible_for_next_league = "eligible-for-next-league" """When you are better than the boss of your current league. This means you will be promoted soon.""" promoted_league = "promoted-league" """When you are promoted to a higher league.""" # blog new_blog = "new-blog" """When a new blog entry is created.""" # clash clash_invite = "clash-invite" """When you are invited to a Clash of Code.""" clash_over = "clash-over" """When a Clash of Code you participated in is over.""" # comment new_comment = "new-comment" """When someone comments your contribution or your solution.""" new_comment_response = "new-comment-response" """When someone replies to your commeny.""" # contest contest_scheduled = "contest-scheduled" """When a contest is scheduled.""" contest_soon = "contest-soon" """When a contest is starting soon.""" contest_started = "contest-started" """When a contest has started.""" contest_over = "contest-over" """When a contest is over.""" # contribution contribution_received = "contribution-received" """When your contribution is received.""" contribution_accepted = "contribution-accepted" """When your contribution is accepted.""" contribution_refused = "contribution-refused" """When your contribution is refused.""" contribution_clash_mode_removed = "contribution-clash-mode-removed" """When your contribution is modified.""" # feature feature = "feature" """When a new feature is available on CodinGame.""" # hints new_hint = "new-hint" """When a new hint is revealed.""" # moderation contribution_moderated = "contribution-moderated" """When your contribution is validated or denied.""" # puzzle new_puzzle = "new-puzzle" """When a new puzzle is available.""" puzzle_of_the_week = "puzzle-of-the-week" """When the puzzle of the week is available.""" new_league_opened = "new-league-opened" """When a new league is opened. I don't know why this isn't in :attr:`NotificationTypeGroup.arena` like :attr:`NotificationType.new_league`, :attr:`NotificationType.eligible_for_next_league` and :attr:`NotificationType.promoted_league`.""" # quest quest_completed = "quest-completed" """When a quest is completed.""" # social following = "following" """When a CodinGamer starts following you.""" friend_registered = "friend-registered" """When a friend registers on CodinGame.""" invitation_accepted = "invitation-accepted" """When a friend accepts your invitation and registers on CodinGame.""" # xp new_level = "new-level" """When you reach a new level.""" # generic info_generic = "info-generic" """When you get a generic information notification.""" warning_generic = "warning-generic" """When you get a generic warning notification.""" important_generic = "important-generic" """When you get a generic important notification.""" # custom custom = "custom" """When you get a custom notification.""" # other career_new_candidate = "career-new-candidate" career_update_candidate = "career-update-candidate" # didn't find a category test_finished = "test-finished" job_accepted = "job-accepted" job_expired = "job-expired" new_work_blog = "new-work-blog" offer_apply = "offer-apply" recruiter_contact = "recruiter-contact"
[docs]class ContributionType(str, Enum): clash_of_code = "CLASHOFCODE" puzzle_in_out = "PUZZLE_INOUT" puzzle_solo = "PUZZLE_SOLO" puzzle_multiplayer = "PUZZLE_MULTI" puzzle_optimization = "PUZZLE_OPTI"
[docs]class CommentType(str, Enum): contribution = "CONTRIBUTION" solution = "SOLUTION"
[docs]class ContributionModeratedActionType(str, Enum): validate = "validate" deny = "deny"