Source code for codingame.client.client

from .base import BaseClient

__all__ = ("Client",)

[docs]class Client(BaseClient): """Client for the CodinGame API. Instanciates a :class:`~codingame.client.sync.SyncClient` if ``is_async`` is ``False`` or not given. Instanciates a :class:`~codingame.client.async_.AsyncClient` if ``is_async`` is ``True``. .. note:: There are docs for both :class:`~codingame.client.sync.SyncClient` and :class:`~codingame.client.async_.AsyncClient`. Parameters ---------- is_async : bool Whether the client is asynchronous. Defaults to ``False``. """ def __new__(cls, is_async: bool = False): if is_async: from .async_ import AsyncClient return AsyncClient() else: from .sync import SyncClient return SyncClient()