Source code for codingame.notification.notification

import typing
from datetime import datetime

from import BaseObject
from ..codingamer import PartialCodinGamer
from ..types import notification as types
from ..utils import to_datetime
from .data import NotificationData
from .enums import NotificationType, NotificationTypeGroup

if typing.TYPE_CHECKING:
    from ..state import ConnectionState

__all__ = ("Notification",)

[docs]class Notification(BaseObject): """Represents a Notification. Attributes ----------- id: :class:`int` ID of the notification. type_group: :class:`NotificationTypeGroup` Group type of the notification. type: :class:`NotificationType` Precise type of the notification. date: :class:`~datetime.datetime` Date of the notification. Was ``notification.creation_time``. creation_time: :class:`~datetime.datetime` Date of the notification. .. deprecated:: 1.3 Use :attr:`date` instead. priority: :class:`int` Priority of the notification. urgent: :class:`bool` Whether the notification is urgent. seen: :class:`bool` Whether the notification has been seen. seen_date: Optional :class:`~datetime.datetime` Date when the notification was last marked as seen. read: :class:`bool` Whether the notification has been read. read_date: Optional :class:`~datetime.datetime` Date when the notification was last marked as read. data: Optional :class:`dict` Data of the notification. .. note:: Every notification type has different data. So there isn't the same keys and values every time. codingamer: Optional :class:`PartialCodinGamer` CodinGamer that sent the notification, only appears in some notification types. """ id: int type: NotificationType type_group: NotificationTypeGroup date: datetime priority: int urgent: bool seen: bool seen_date: typing.Optional[datetime] read: bool read_date: typing.Optional[datetime] data: typing.Optional[NotificationData] codingamer: typing.Optional[PartialCodinGamer] __slots__ = ( "id", "type", "type_group", "date", "creation_time", "priority", "urgent", "seen", "seen_date", "read", "read_date", "data", "codingamer", ) def __init__(self, state: "ConnectionState", data: types.Notification): = data["id"] try: self.type = NotificationType(data["type"]) except ValueError: # pragma: no cover self.type = data["type"] print( f"Unknown notification type {self.type}, please report this at " "" f"\nPlease include this: {data!r}" ) try: self.type_group = NotificationTypeGroup(data["typeGroup"]) except ValueError: # pragma: no cover self.type_group = data["typeGroup"] print( f"Unknown notification type group {self.type_group}, please " "report this at" f"\nPlease include this: {data!r}" ) = to_datetime(data["date"]) self.creation_time = # deprecated self.priority = data["priority"] self.urgent = data["urgent"] self.seen = bool(data.get("seenDate")) self.seen_date = None if self.seen: self.seen_date = to_datetime(data["seenDate"]) = bool(data.get("readDate")) self.read_date = None if self.read_date = to_datetime(data["readDate"]) = NotificationData.from_type( self.type, state, data.get("data") ) self.codingamer = None if data.get("codingamer"): self.codingamer = PartialCodinGamer(state, data["codingamer"]) super().__init__(state) def __repr__(self): return ( "<Notification id={!r} type={0.type} " "date={} urgent={0.urgent!r} " "seen={0.seen!r} read={!r}>" ).format(self)
[docs] def mark_as_seen( self, ) -> typing.Union[datetime, typing.Awaitable[datetime]]: """|maybe_coro| Mark this notification as seen. .. warning:: If you want to mark multiple notifications as seen at the same time, use :meth:`Client.mark_notifications_as_seen` as it only makes one API request for all the notifications instead of one API request for each notification. Returns ------- :class:`datetime` The time when this notification was marked as seen. .. versionadded:: 1.4 """ if self._state.is_async: async def _mark_as_seen() -> datetime: data = await self._state.http.mark_notifications_as_seen(, [] ) self._setattr("seen", True) self._setattr("seen_date", to_datetime(data)) return self.seen_date else: def _mark_as_seen() -> datetime: data = self._state.http.mark_notifications_as_seen(, [] ) self._setattr("seen", True) self._setattr("seen_date", to_datetime(data)) return self.seen_date return _mark_as_seen()
[docs] def mark_as_read( self, ) -> typing.Union[datetime, typing.Awaitable[datetime]]: """|maybe_coro| Mark this notification as read. .. warning:: If you want to mark multiple notifications as read at the same time, use :meth:`Client.mark_notifications_as_read` as it only makes one API request for all the notifications instead of one API request for each notification. Returns ------- :class:`datetime` The time when this notification was marked as read. .. versionadded:: 1.4 """ if self._state.is_async: async def _mark_as_read() -> datetime: data = await self._state.http.mark_notifications_as_read(, [] ) self._setattr("read", True) self._setattr("read_date", to_datetime(data)) return self.read_date else: def _mark_as_read() -> datetime: data = self._state.http.mark_notifications_as_read(, [] ) self._setattr("read", True) self._setattr("read_date", to_datetime(data)) return self.read_date return _mark_as_read()